Human Mind explained completely ,Physcology

1: How it works:

As for what I have come to believe and to experience in my life is that The Mind is like a chameleon unlike the former it keeps changing our perception of the now and we simply watch astoundingly everything it has to show, sometimes it takes you to the pinnacle of bliss and sometimes it makes the same Mercedes feel like a Fiat 500 afterward, but that how our Minds are. Whenever you think you are under control that's the only time you are aware of its existence and presence. It is not a good friend if you don't pay him a visit once in a while and let him run the course it will turn out to be a total screw up. It needs your help as much as you need its help to think, access, and establish. All it requires are new experiences to graze upon and time to expand itself. But sometimes we human beings are not so conscious of the power of the subconscious mind and start making many irrational decision based on our limited understanding of life. And in time we start to lose the only faithful friend we ever had. Never make this mistake of interpreting your mind and or the idea of you both as a single entity, in fact they both are different .One can only interpret the things external to them by once its explained by mind,without it everything is just a virtual reality

2: Is Intelligence and Mind the same.


The mind is actually the seat of intelligence. Intelligence is one of the primary attributes of the brain. Intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skill in new trying situations. The human mind is a true enigma, even with all the scientific advancements we have even not come an inch close to understand the very nature of mind. All we have come to understand is the language in which our mind speaks is through neurons (carriers). A person is said to be highly intelligent if he or she could use the mind to comprehend situations easily compared to other human beings. Caution! This measurement is just relative not an exact measurement of something it’s basically open for interpretation as what one might find plausible.

3: Can we ever harness the full potential of the mind.

Let’s get this straight many people would have heard this myth that only Einstein was able to use 100% of the brain, but that’s not true everyone uses 100% of the brain but where do we use is the critical point. Someone use it to make a cup of noodle, some to solve complex math’s question, some to find a partner whatever one things is worthwhile achieving. It’s all about priorities we have in our life something which might seem fun to accomplish someone might find it completely trivial. So the answer is yes we can all harness the full potential of the brain.

4:Some facts about the brain

All the dreams which we see are all manifested by the mind singlehandedly architecting it from zero to a hundred and stimulated in the brain. Our mind is like a candy shop it shows us a myriad of choices and we as a customer choose to pick anyone which we fancy. Our minds like to flow freely but it's up to us if we want to put it on a leash or let it be itself. Remember


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